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Have you ever wanted would like to paint a picture but don't know where to begin, dance but worried you will make an idiot of yourself, to write a poem but feel too shy, ? Then CHOCA is for you...
We've all heard the expression 'to chill out' and generally we mean it in a passive - having a break in the middle of a heavy day. But we can also use 'chill out' when bieng active such as participating in a sport or art. It's that moment when even the most competitive of us are simply doing the activity without worrying if it's going particularly well. It encourages us to go out of our comfort zone, to make mistakes, lets us imagine we can do the best and not worry when it ends up the worst. And why are we so comfortable? Because there is no judging, no saying it´s not right or even well done, no expectations, just doing.
so what about people who actually want to improve? How will we know when we get it right? There´s another time for that. For some of us it's instead of ever being judged or simply not right now. Ironically for those of us interested in improving a chill out time is often essential. It can be after the studying hard time where we now put everything together in a relaxed spontaneous way. It's often where artists meet their style on top of their studying techniques. So whether you want to do an art as a hobby or even professionally recommend a period of 'Chilling Out'

CHOCA is by a group of community arts coordinators in Lisbon who are concerned that the only people doing art where professional artists. Nothing wrong with making money maybe but the rest of us are simply doing dedicated to encouraging people to doing art activities at donations only prices.
run by a It has run a variety of art activities including drawing, painting, drama, music, and creative writing. It has taken activities to a varitey of places such as schools, rehab centres, homes for seniors citizens and unemployment clubs
Its base is in Lisbon, Portugal. It is organised Nowadays it even boasts a house. This is a residential apartment in the centre of Lisbon. Here it runs 'Arts Etc' activities, which apart from the arts activities includes 'Etc' activities such as yoga, cooking classes from around the world, reflexology and communal meals.
Do you ever want to paint a picture but don't have the money for expensive classes, dance but worried you will make an idiot of yourself, write a poem but feel too shy? Then I'm sure you will be interested in knowing about a happy solution.
It all started when a group of art coordinators living in Lisbon were concerned that just about the only people who do art are professional artists. Nothing wrong with making money from art maybe but generally the rest of us are simply not doing any art at all. In the firm belief that art should be an intergral part of an individual the art coordinators set about offereing art activities for all levels at donations only prices. Activities include drawing, painting, drama, music and creative writing.
The group calls itself 'CHOCA': CH O = Chill Out, C = community, A = Arts.
What exactly is Chill Out arts? We've all heard the expression 'to chill out' and we often mean it in a passive way - having a break and relaxing at the end of a heavy day. But we can also use 'chill out' when being active such as participating in a sport or art. It's that moment when even the most competitive of us are simply doing the activity without worrying if it's going particularly well. This attitude encourages us to go out of our comfort zone, to make mistakes and lets us imagine we can do the best and not worry if it ends up the worst. And why are we so comfortable with this? Because there is no judging, noone saying 'ýou messed up' or even 'well done', no expectations, just doing the art however we want.
What about those of us who actually want to improve? How will we know when we get it right? Well, there can still be a time for that. One thing does not exclude another. Chilling our for some of us is instead of being judged while for others it´s simply not right now but you can judge me later. Ironically for those of us interested in improving a chill out time is virtually essential. It can be after the hard studying time. Now we can put everything together in a relaxed spontaneous way. It's often where artists put their own style on top of their studying techniques. Whether you want to do an art as a hobby or professionally I recommend a period of 'Chilling Out'.
And why 'community arts'? This is because all activities are at donations only prices. This means everyone can afford it. What if you have no money at all? You still have the option of donating an object or offering a service. Simply ask the coordinator what they need. Coordinators have received food, food-mixers, chairs, even a gutiar. Many of the goods are lent, and many are second hand because after all if the object still works it's fine. Services have included help with administration, translation and being a drawing model. Basically if you want to do an activity with CHOCA you will be able to find a way.
CHOCA has worked in a varitey of places including schools, rehab centres, homes for seniors citizens, refugee centres, festivals for immigrants and unemployment clubs

It's base is a residential apartment open to the public. 3 of the coordinators live in a 5 room apartment, which consists of 3 bedrooms, a large all purpose room and an arts studio. CHOCA runs not just 'arts' but also 'etc' activities. These include yoga, cooking classes from around the world, reflexology and communal meals. Everything in the house including the food is 'donations only'.

So if you're a professional artist, a timid novice or a keen enthusiast I seriously suggest you check CHOCA out.

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