@2 ArC8Dv Intro

Hi Pete

Sorry for delay! 

I work as:  
a) one of a team of community arts coordinators for CHOCA = Chill Out Community Arts 
b) an independent arts coordinator

The arts activities themselves ( as an independent coordinator or community coordinator )  are generally exactly the same - the only difference is as a community arts coordinator all activities r either free or donations only  whereas as an independent coordinator i earn money. 


TYPES OF ART:  a: Creative Writing     b: Drawing     c: Painting


a: CREATIVE WRITING > http://artscoordinatordave.blogspot.co.uk/p/4.html 


OBJECTIVE: to i, encourage people of all levels to simply ‘have a go’ at writing   ii, after workshop participants now have 'know-how' of how to continue writing 'at home'.

WRITING LEVEL: all levels from novice to professional writer equally welcome.

 LEVEL OF ENGLISH: intermediate to native English speaker.

ACTIVITIES: The workshop gets participants to write via a series of fast paced activities. Some r serious, thought provoking and emotionally stirring while others r simply silly fun. Participant can then adapt activities to continue writing back home on one's own.


b: DRAWING > http://artscoordinatordave.blogspot.co.uk/p/2.html

OBJECTIVE:  to i, encourage people of all levels to simply ‘have a go’ at drawing   ii, after workshop participants now have 'know-how' of how to continue drawing 'at home'.

b1) DRAWING, DOODLING, SCRIBBLING WORKSHOP:  A fun drawing session of cartooning and illustrating

b2) DRAWING HUMAN FIGURE WITH MUSIC:  draw the human figure (ur own, from photos, each others' , a nude model) while listening to music: eg draw: without taking ur pencil off the paper, looking only at modle but not the paper, an upside down photo etc

b3) DRAWING FACES WITH MUSIC:  Draw faces (ur own, from photos, each others') while listening to music:  eg draw: without taking ur pencil off the paper, looking at each other but not the paper, an upside down photo etc


b4) URBAN SKETCHING:   Walk and draw around the old part of Lisbon - the people / buildings etc in the  narrow cobbled street, old cafes, the flea market etc

b5) LIFE MODEL:   Human Figure drawing with 1 or 2 life models, female or male. 


c: PAINTING > http://artscoordinatordave.blogspot.co.uk/p/3.html

OBJECTIVE:  to i, encourage people of all levels to simply ‘have a go’ at painting    ii, after workshop participants now have 'know-how' of how to continue painting 'at home'.

c1) 'PAINTING FEELINGS':   Explore your emotions - chat and paint 10 emotions on old newspaper while listening to appropriate music. Themes = unrequited love, relaxing on Friday nite, crisis etc. Music = classical / jazz / ethnic: a rousing Beethoven piece, Indian sitar music, be bop jazz, Tibetan wailing, Irish reels, African chanting etc. It's crazy, a whole lotta fun + there's even the occasional tear! 
c2) ART ATTACK: In groups of 3s / 4s each group is given art equipment: paints, pens, brushes and a giant card ( 1m x 1m50cm ) . Now each group produces its work of art!
TIME: The workshops are adaptable: minimum time = 1 hours, ideally 3 or 4 hours. 
LEVEL: Open to all levels from complete beginner to pro.
MATERIALS ( paper, pencils etc) INCLUDED
MEAL?; to be arranged - possibilities = dinner in the arts house / in a local restaurant or cafe

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